The CSB issues safety recommendations to prevent the recurrence or reduce the likelihood or consequences of similar incidents or hazards in the future. Recommendations are issued to a variety of parties, including government entities, safety organizations, trade unions, trade associations, corporations, emergency response organizations, educational institutions, and public interest groups. Recommendations are published in CSB reports and are closed only by vote of the Board. The CSB tracks all recommendations and communicates regularly with recommendations recipients to ensure that the recommended corrective actions are implemented.

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Bio-Lab Lake Charles Chemical Fire and Release (1 Recommendations)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (1 Recommendations)
Open: 100% | Closed: 0%

Final Report Released On: April 24, 2023


Implement the five open recommendations issued in the 2022 U.S. Government Accountability Office Report titled Chemical Accident Prevention: EPA Should Ensure Regulated Facilities Consider Risks from Climate Change, which are:

a. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should provide additional compliance assistance to Risk Management Program (RMP) facilities related to risks from natural hazards and climate change;

b. The EPA should design an information system to track common deficiencies found during inspections, including any related to natural hazards and climate change, and use this information to target compliance assistance;

c. The EPA should issue regulations, guidance, or both, as appropriate, to clarify requirements and provide direction for RMP facilities on how to incorporate risks from natural hazards and climate change into their risk management programs;

d. The EPA should develop a method for inspectors to assess the sufficiency of RMP facilities’ incorporation of risks from natural hazards and climate change into risk management programs and provide related guidance and training to inspectors; and

e. The EPA should incorporate the vulnerability of RMP facilities to natural hazards and climate change as criteria when selecting facilities for inspection.

Status: Open - Awaiting Response or Evaluation/Approval of Response
Open - Awaiting Response or Evaluation/Approval of Response (O - ARE/AR) - The recipient has not submitted a substantive response, or the evaluation by CSB staff of a response is pending, or the Board has not yet acted on staff recommendation of status.

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Husky Energy Superior Refinery Explosion and Fire (1 Recommendations)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (1 Recommendations)
Open: 100% | Closed: 0%

Final Report Released On: December 29, 2022


Develop a program that prioritizes and emphasizes inspections of FCC units in refineries that operate HF alkylation units (for example, under EPA’s National Compliance Initiative called Reducing Risks of Accidental Releases at Industrial and Chemical Facilities). As part of this program, verify FCC unit safeguards that prevent explosions during transient operation (including startup, shutdown, standby, and emergency procedures). At a minimum the program will verify the following specific safeguards:

a) Implementation of the reactor steam barrier, or a similar inert gas flow, to maintain an inert barrier at an elevated pressure between the main column (containing hydrocarbon) and the regenerator (containing air);

b) Purging the main column with a non-condensable gas as needed to prevent a dangerous accumulation of oxygen in the main column overhead receiver;

c) Monitoring to ensure that there is a sufficient non-condensable gas purge of the main column to prevent a dangerous accumulation of oxygen in the main column overhead receiver (either through direct measurement of the oxygen concentration and/or through engineering calculation);

d) Monitoring of critical operating parameters for flows, pressures, pressure differences, and catalyst levels;

e) Documentation of consequences of deviating from the transient operation safe operating parameters and of predetermined corrective actions; and

f) Inclusion of the above items in the appropriate FCC operator training curricula.

This recommendation is in addition to the recommendations to EPA relating to hydrofluoric acid outlined in the CSB’s report on the 2019 fire and explosions at the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery. In that report, the CSB recommended (1) that the EPA prioritize inspections of refinery HF alkylation units to ensure units are complying with API good practice guidance, (2) to require petroleum refineries with HF alkylation units to evaluate inherently safer technology, and (3) to initiate prioritization and, as applicable, risk evaluation of HF under the Toxic Substances Control Act.

Status: Open - Acceptable Response or Alternate Response
Open - Acceptable Response or Alternate Response (O - ARAR) - Response from recipient indicates a planned action that would satisfy the objective of the recommendation when implemented.

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Philadelphia Energy Solutions (PES) Refinery Fire and Explosions (3 Recommendations)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (3 Recommendations)
Open: 100% | Closed: 0%

Final Report Released On: October 11, 2022


Develop a program that prioritizes and emphasizes inspections of refinery HF alkylation units, for example under EPA’s National Compliance Initiative called Reducing Risks of Accidental Releases at Industrial and Chemical Facilities. As part of this program, verify that HF alkylation units are complying with API RP 751 Safe Operation of Hydrofluoric Acid Alkylation Units, including but not limited to the implementation of a special emphasis inspection program to inspect all individual carbon steel piping components and welds to identify areas of accelerated corrosion; the protection of safety-critical safeguards and associated control system components, including but not limited to wiring and cabling for control systems and primary and backup power supplies, from fire and explosion hazards including radiant heat and flying projectiles (per recommendation 2019-04-I-PA-R4); and the installation of remotely-operated emergency isolation valves on the inlet(s) and outlet(s) of all hydrofluoric acid containing vessels, and hydrocarbon containing vessels meeting defined threshold quantities (per recommendation 2019-04-I-PA-R4).

Status: Open - Acceptable Response or Alternate Response
Open - Acceptable Response or Alternate Response (O - ARAR) - Response from recipient indicates a planned action that would satisfy the objective of the recommendation when implemented.

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Revise 40 C.F.R. Part 68 (EPA Risk Management Plan) to require new and existing petroleum refineries with HF alkylation units to conduct a safer technology and alternatives analysis (STAA) and to evaluate the practicability of any inherently safer technology (IST) identified. Require that these evaluations are performed every 5 years as a part of an initial PHA as well as PHA revalidations.

Status: Open - Awaiting Response or Evaluation/Approval of Response
Open - Awaiting Response or Evaluation/Approval of Response (O - ARE/AR) - The recipient has not submitted a substantive response, or the evaluation by CSB staff of a response is pending, or the Board has not yet acted on staff recommendation of status.

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Per the requirements in EPA Rule Procedures for Prioritization of Chemicals for Risk Evaluation Under the Toxic Substances Control Act, initiate prioritization to evaluate whether hydrofluoric acid is a High-Priority Substance for risk evaluation. If it is determined to be a High-Priority Substance, conduct a risk evaluation of hydrofluoric acid to determine whether it presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment. If it is determined to present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment, apply requirements to hydrofluoric acid to the extent necessary to eliminate or significantly mitigate the risk, for example by using a methodology such as the hierarchy of controls.

Status: Open - Awaiting Response or Evaluation/Approval of Response
Open - Awaiting Response or Evaluation/Approval of Response (O - ARE/AR) - The recipient has not submitted a substantive response, or the evaluation by CSB staff of a response is pending, or the Board has not yet acted on staff recommendation of status.

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Allied Terminals Fertilizer Tank Collapse (1 Recommendations)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (1 Recommendations)
Open: 0% | Closed: 100%

Final Report Released On: May 26, 2009


Revise and reissue the Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office Rupture Hazard from Liquid Storage Tanks Chemical Safety Alert. At a minimum, revise the alert to: 1) Include the Allied Terminals tank failure, 2) Discuss the increased rupture hazard during first fill or hydrostatic testing, and 3) List The Fertilizer Institute fertilizer tank inspection guidelines in the reference section.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Action
Closed - Acceptable Action (C - AA) - The recipient has completed action on the recommendation. The action taken meets the objectives envisioned by the Board.

Bayer CropScience Pesticide Waste Tank Explosion (1 Recommendations)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (1 Recommendations)
Open: 0% | Closed: 100%

Final Report Released On: January 20, 2011


In light of the findings of this report and the serious potential hazards to workers and the public from chemicals used and stored at the Bayer Institute site (such as phosgene, MIC, and methomyl), conduct a comprehensive Risk Management Program (RMP) inspection of the complex. Coordinate with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as appropriate.

Status: Closed - No Longer Applicable
Closed - No Longer Applicable (C - NLA) - Due to subsequent events, the recommendation action no longer applies (e.g., the facility was destroyed or the company went out of business).

Caribbean Petroleum Refining Tank Explosion and Fire (3 Recommendations)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (3 Recommendations)
Open: 33% | Closed: 67%

Final Report Released On: October 21, 2015


(Superseded by 2019-01-I-TX-R8 from the Intercontinental Terminals Company (ITC) report)
Revise where necessary the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC); Facility Response Plan (FRP); and/or Accidental Release Prevention Program (40 CFR Part 68) rules to prevent impacts to the environment and/or public from spills, releases, fires, and explosions that can occur at bulk aboveground storage facilities storing gasoline, jet fuels, blendstocks, and other flammable liquids having an NFPA 704 flammability rating of 3 or higher.
At a minimum, these revisions shall incorporate the following provisions:
a) Ensure bulk above ground storage facilities conduct and document a risk assessment that takes into account the following factors:
1. The existence of nearby populations and sensitive environmenls;
2. The nature and intensity of facility operations;
3. Realistic reliability of the tank gauging system; and
4. The extent/rigor of operator monitoring
b) Equip bulk aboveground storage containers/tanks with automatic overfill prevention systems that are physically separate and independent from the lank level control systems.
c) Ensure these automatic overfill prevention systems follow good engineering practices.
d) Engineer, operate, and maintain automatic overfill prevention systems to achieve appropriate safety integrity levels in accordance with good engineering practices, such as Part 1 of lnternational Electro-technical Commission (IEC) 61511-SER ed1.0B-2004, Functional Safety - Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector.
e) Regularly inspect and test automatic overfill prevention systems to ensure their proper operation in accordance with good engineering practice.

Status: Closed - Reconsidered/Superseded
Closed - Reconsidered/Superseded (C - R/S) - Recipient rejects the recommendation and also supports the rejection with a rationale with which the Board concurs. This designation may apply when later facts indicate that the concerns expressed in the recommendation were actually addressed prior to the incident, or when a recommendation is superseded by a new, more appropriate recommendation.

PDF Document Recommendation Status Change Summary


Conduct a survey of randomly selected bulk aboveground storage containers storing gasoline or other flammable liquids with a NFPA 704 flammability rating of 3 or higher, at terminals in high risk locations (such as near population centers or sensitive environments) that are already subject to the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) and/or Facility Response Plan (FRP) rules to determine:
a) The nature of the safety management systems in place to prevent overfilling a storage tank during loading operations. Analysis of the safety management systems should include equipment, training, staffing, operating procedures and preventative maintenance programs.
b) The extent to which terminals use independent high level alarms, automated shutoff/diversion systems, redundant level alarms or other technical means to prevent overfilling a tank
c) The history of overfilling incidents at the facilities, with or without consequence
d) Whether additional reporting requirements are needed to understand the types of incidents leading to overfilling spills that breach secondary containment and have the potential to impact the environment and/or the public, as well as the number of safeguards needed to prevent them.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Alternative Action
Closed - Acceptable Alternative Action (C - AAA)

PDF Document Recommendation Status Change Summary


As an interim measure, until the rule changes in CSB Recommendation No. 2010-02-I-PR-R1 are adopted and go into effect: issue appropriate guidance or an alert, similar to EPA’s previously issued Chemical Safety Alert addressing Rupture Hazard from Liquid Storage Tanks, to illustrate the hazards posed by spills, releases, fires and explosions due to overfilling bulk aboveground storage containers storing gasoline, jet fuel, blendstocks, and other flammable liquids having an NFPA 704 flammability rating of 3 or higher.

Status: Open - Acceptable Response or Alternate Response
Open - Acceptable Response or Alternate Response (O - ARAR) - Response from recipient indicates a planned action that would satisfy the objective of the recommendation when implemented.

PDF Document Recommendation Status Change Summary

Chevron Richmond Refinery Fire (2 Recommendations)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2 Recommendations)
Open: 0% | Closed: 100%

Final Report Released On: January 28, 2015


Jointly plan and conduct inspections with Cal/OSHA, California EPA and other state and local regulatory agencies with chemical accident prevention responsibilities to monitor the effective implementation of the damage mechanism hazard review and disclosure requirements under 2012-03-I-CA-R9 and R10 above.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Alternative Action
Closed - Acceptable Alternative Action (C - AAA)

PDF Document Recommendation Status Change Summary


Participate in the joint regulatory program described in recommendation 2012-03-I-CA-R11. This participation shall include contributing relevant data to the repository of investigation and inspection data created by the California Department of Industrial Relations and jointly coordinating activities.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Action
Closed - Acceptable Action (C - AA) - The recipient has completed action on the recommendation. The action taken meets the objectives envisioned by the Board.

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