The CSB issues safety recommendations to prevent the recurrence or reduce the likelihood or consequences of similar incidents or hazards in the future. Recommendations are issued to a variety of parties, including government entities, safety organizations, trade unions, trade associations, corporations, emergency response organizations, educational institutions, and public interest groups. Recommendations are published in CSB reports and are closed only by vote of the Board. The CSB tracks all recommendations and communicates regularly with recommendations recipients to ensure that the recommended corrective actions are implemented.

For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions about CSB recommendations.

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AirGas Facility Fatal Explosion (6 Recommendations)
ACD, LLC (1 Recommendations)
Open: 0% | Closed: 100%

Final Report Released On: April 20, 2017


Provide effective warning about nitrous oxide decomposition hazards

Modify nitrous oxide pump product literature to include warnings about nitrous oxide decomposition hazards, illustrated by examples from historical incidents, and refer users to this CSB investigation report for additional information.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Action
Closed - Acceptable Action (C - AA) - The recipient has completed action on the recommendation. The action taken meets the objectives envisioned by the Board.

PDF Document Recommendations Status Change

AirGas, Inc. (1 Recommendations)
Open: 0% | Closed: 100%

Final Report Released On: April 20, 2017


The goal of 2016-04-I-FL-R1 is to prevent all nitrous oxide explosions at its facilities, while preventing harm to workers and the public.

Following the August 28, 2016, incident, the company began a comprehensive initiative to review its nitrous oxide production facilities, trucking fleet, and cylinder-filling operations.  The scope of the ongoing Air Liquide initiative is shown in Table 1. 

Complete the development and implementation of the company’s nitrous oxide business process safety initiative as shown in Table 1, consistent with the findings, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report. 

Status: Closed - Exceeds Recommended Action
Closed - Exceeds Recommended Action (C - ERA) - Action on the recommendation meets and surpasses the objectives envisioned by the Board.

PDF Document Recommendation Status Change

Compressed Gas Association (CGA) (3 Recommendations)
Open: 0% | Closed: 100%

Final Report Released On: April 20, 2017


Safety Management System for Nitrous Oxide Manufacturing

Develop and implement a safety management system standard for nitrous oxide manufacturing, to manage known process safety hazards, including nitrous oxide decomposition, which includes appropriate elements based on chemical industry good practice guidance, such as CCPS Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety, Essential Practices for Managing Chemical Reactivity Hazards, and Guidelines for Implementing Process Safety Management.

Status: Closed - Exceeds Recommended Action
Closed - Exceeds Recommended Action (C - ERA) - Action on the recommendation meets and surpasses the objectives envisioned by the Board.

PDF Document Recommendation Status Change Summary


Ensure Effective Flame Arrestor Design

Modify Compressed Gas Association (CGA) standard CGA G-8.3, Safe Practices for Storage and Handling of Nitrous Oxide to require testing of safety devices, such as strainers used as flame arrestors, for applications where a safety device is used to quench a nitrous oxide decomposition reaction.  To ensure that these safety devices meet the intended purpose, the user should test the safety device by simulating conditions of use.  In addition, require users to document the required performance standard or test protocol followed. 

Status: Closed - Acceptable Alternative Action
Closed - Acceptable Alternative Action (C - AAA)

PDF Document Recommendation Status Change Summary


Require Pump Run-Dry Safety Interlocks Apply ISA-84

Modify Compressed Gas Association (CGA) standard CGA G-8.3, Safe Practices for Storage and Handling of Nitrous Oxide to reference and require applying International Society of Automation (ISA) standard ISA-84, Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector to safety interlocks such as the nitrous oxide pump “run-dry” shutdown.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Action
Closed - Acceptable Action (C - AA) - The recipient has completed action on the recommendation. The action taken meets the objectives envisioned by the Board.

PDF Document Recommendation Status Change Summary

Cryostar USA, LLC (1 Recommendations)
Open: 0% | Closed: 100%

Final Report Released On: April 20, 2017


Provide effective warning about nitrous oxide decomposition hazards

Modify nitrous oxide pump product literature to include warnings about nitrous oxide decomposition hazards, illustrated by examples from historical incidents, and refer users to this CSB investigation report for additional information.

Status: Closed - Acceptable Action
Closed - Acceptable Action (C - AA) - The recipient has completed action on the recommendation. The action taken meets the objectives envisioned by the Board.

PDF Document Recommendations Status Change