The CSB is currently updating its Drivers of Critical Safety Change pages - the FY25 CDL items (with subtopic areas) are as follows:
- Process Safety Management
- Risk Management Program
- Facility Siting
- Offsite Consequences
- Fenceline and Impacted Communities
- Information Sharing
- Inherently Safer Design
- Emergency Preparedness
- Emergency Response Plans
- Remote Isolation
- Extreme Weather
- Reactive Hazards
Please check back for more information.
Section Under Development
The CSB has updated its Advocacy Priorities
The current list includes the following issue areas:
- Lab Safety
- Contractor Safety
- Reactive Hazards
- Fatigue
- Extreme Weather
- Winterization
- Combustible Dust
- Hot Work Safety
- Cyber-Security at Stationary Sources
- Counterfeit/Fraudulent Chemicals
Check back soon for updated information on each issue area.
Total Recommendations # 1008
Open Recommendations # 136
Closed Recommendations # 872
13 vs 87
Total % Open Vs. Closed