on Wednesday, September 30, 2015, from 6 to 9 p.m. CDT on the ongoing investigation into the Nov. 2014 chemical release at the DuPont La Porte facility that killed four workers.
An ongoing investigation by the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) of the November 15, 2014, toxic chemical leak that killed four workers at the E. I. du Pont de Nemours insecticide plant in La Porte, Texas, has uncovered flawed safety procedures, design problems and inadequate planning.
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) will convene an interim public meeting on Wednesday, September 30, 2015, in Houston, Texas, at the The Hilton Americas – Houston Hotel from 6 to 9 p.m. CDT to hear and vote on findings and safety recommendations from the ongoing investigation into the November 2014 chemical release at the DuPont La Porte facility that killed four workers.
CSB to hold public meeting in Houston, TX
Chairperson Vanessa Allen Sutherland's Op-Ed in the Houston Chronicle
Statement from CSB Chairperson Vanessa Allen Sutherland
Statement from CSB Board Member Rick Engler on Confirmation of CSB Chairman and Board Member
Chemical Safety Board Applauds Recent Updates to NFPA’s Hazardous Materials Code
Staff presentation at the CSB's July 22nd Business Meeting in Washington, DC
Washington, DC, July 15, 2015 - The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) will hold a public business meeting on Wednesday, July 22, 2015, to discuss chemical safety issues.