Accident: Valero Delaware City Refinery Asphyxiation Incident
Location: Location: Delaware City, DE
Accident Occurred On: 11/05/2005 | Final Report Released On: 11/02/2006
Accident Type: Confined Space / Asphyxiation
Investigation Status: The CSB issue a case study report and a safety video based on this incident at a news conference in Newark, Delaware, on November 2, 2006.
Two contract employees were overcome and fatally injured by nitrogen as they performed maintenance work near a 24-inch opening on the top of a reactor. One of the workers died attempting rescue.
Revise Guidelines for Safe Work in Inert Confined Spaces in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries (API, 2005) to clearly address the following: - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere rapidly overcomes the victim. - There is no warning before being overcome. - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere might exist outside a confined space opening. - Rescuers must strictly follow safe rescue procedures.
Revise Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces, ANSI/ASSE Z117.1 to emphasize that: - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere rapidly overcomes the victim. - There is no warning before being overcome. - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere might exist outside a confined space opening. - Rescuers must strictly follow safe rescue procedures.
Issue a safety alert to address nitrogen/inert gas hazards in confined spaces. Emphasize that: - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere rapidly overcomes the victim. - There is no warning before being overcome. - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere might exist outside a confined space opening. - Rescuers must strictly follow safe rescue procedures.
Conduct confined space control and inert gas purge procedure refresher training for all affected personnel. Emphasize: - The requirements to maintain posted warnings at all access points to confined space temporary openings. - The need to maintain posted warnings, barricades, and access controls as required by the client. - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere rapidly overcomes the victim. - There is no warning before being overcome. - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere might exist outside a confined space opening. - Rescuers must strictly follow safe rescue procedures.
Conduct safe work permit refresher training for all permit-preparers and approvers and affected refinery personnel and contractors. Emphasize: - All proposed work requires a jobsite visit by the requestor and a unit operator to identify special precautions, equipment status, and personal safety equipment requirements. - The conditions for marking the "nitrogen purge or inerted" (Yes/No/NA) status box. - The permit must clearly identify all hazards and special personal protective equipment requirements. - "Fresh Air" work restrictions apply to "Set up only" permits whenever an IDLH atmosphere is suspected or known to be present in the work area.
Conduct confined space control and inert gas purge procedure refresher training for all affected refinery personnel and contractors. Emphasize: - The requirements to maintain posted warnings at all access points to confined space temporary openings. - The requirements to maintain posted warnings, barricades, and access control log at equipment during purging. - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere rapidly overcomes the victim. - There is no warning before being overcome. - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere might exist outside a confined space opening. - Rescuers must strictly follow safe rescue procedures.
Audit work permit procedures and nitrogen purge safety procedures at each Valero U.S. refinery. Determine if issues identified in this Case Study are occurring elsewhere. Implement corrective action, including training, where necessary.
Require Valero U.S. refineries to revise and conduct nitrogen hazards awareness training. Emphasize: - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere rapidly overcomes the victim. - There is no warning before being overcome. - An oxygen-deficient atmosphere might exist outside a confined space opening. - Rescuers must strictly follow safe rescue procedures.